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Training Seminar Testimonials

I just completed the Concierge training with Rachel Laws. This training taught me everything I need to know about starting my own business as a Senior Concierge. I particularly enjoyed the delivery of this information in the comfort of my own home, with enlivening discussion via conference call. Rachel demonstrated excellent knowledge of the industry and provided many important details on how to network, market, and structure my services. I loved Rachels’ emphasis on “delight” as an essential experience in doing this work, creating a delightful profession with delightful clients.

I found it empowering to receive all the essential tools I need from this training, and to be invited into a network of Senior Concierge providers upon starting my business. I look forward to following my vision further in creating this job, with support and ongoing discussion from other professionals in the field as created in Rachels’ network.

-Annalise Sebastopol, CA

Thank you Rachel for this training. I now have the knowledge to

start an elder concierge business. The training was clear and well

Organized. Your answers to any of my questions were informative.

I also appreciate that you are available for follow-up consultation.

-David Sonoma, CA

Rachel helped me get started, and she also offers consulting, training and group support. Rachel's program is invaluable if you are serious in getting started in this business. She's really experienced and shares a ton of information that would have taken me ages to figure out myself

-Cyndia San Francisco, CA

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